Tranquil Lotus Sangha

A People of Color centered mindfulness practice community 

in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, based in Pasadena CA 


Welcome to Tranquil Lotus Sangha! Thank you for your interest. We are a BIPOC and White allies Buddhist sangha that strives to co-create a brave and intimate space where BIPOC, side by side with White allies, can practice mindfulness and meditation in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village. 

Aware of the suffering caused by systems of oppression such as white supremacy, external and internal racism, patriarchy, social injustice and exploitation, we are committed to creating a safe and brave space to practice together, holding heartful communication and deep listening, and caring for and healing ourselves, our community, and our world.

The Dharma is a pathway of union rather than separation. As part of our practice to understand the interconnectedness of unity and separation, we caucus once a month in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and White affinity groups to deepen our anti-racist learning and practice. (Caucusing is a method of meeting in affinity groups based around identity). This type of caucusing creates safety and space to breathe freely, allowing us to delve deeply into how our identities (namely race, but also class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and more) create the conditions and habits that block us from liberation. This is a right that should belong to everyone: People of Color, White allies, queer, trans, cis, all classes, all body-sizes, and abilities. 

A typical month goes like this:

As a BIPOC-centered space, we are all transforming our habits and understanding of power. This means building awareness and actions that support BIPOC and marginalized folks to take up space and for White allies to move back and make space. By co-creating a sangha that looks and feels different than the structures we are used to, we practice our inner transformation to make way for outer transformation. For this reason, our dharma-sharing practices coincide with these Community Agreements for Multicultural Interactions. Please take time to read them in advance of your first visit. 

We meet each Tuesday in Pasadena, CA, and also provide the option to join on Zoom. If you would like to attend, please share with us your racial and ethnic identity in advance. We will send you further details about when and where our sangha meets. 

We welcome you to Tranquil Lotus sangha.

When We Meet? Every Tuesday, 7:30-9:00pm

**** We are a virtual/in-person hybrid space ****

We meet both in-person and on Zoom at the same time for our weekly sangha


Our meeting space online together is still a sangha space- just as if we are practicing together in person in Pasadena or at Deer Park Monastery.  Therefore, please mute yourself as you enter, set aside your electronic devices and distractions, and refrain from using the chat box, especially during dharma discussion.  We come together to co-create a space of mindfulness, meditation, and reflection.  

Please join our mailing list to receive more information about our sangha meetings.

Practicing Together - Taking Refuge in the Sangha

We recite the 5 Mindfulness Trainings every first week of the month. The 5MTs have their root in Five Precepts offered by the Buddha. They have been expanded and updated so that they represent a way to bring mindfulness into our daily life. They are not set of hard and fast rules, instead, they offer as a framework to reflect on our actions, speech and thinking so we can create more happiness for ourselves and for the world around us.  We also rotate our recitation with the Contemplations on the Five Mindfulness Trainings, A New Paradigm For Racial Justice and the Global Pandemic offered by ARISE Sangha, and the 14 Mindfulness Trainings for the Order of Interbeing.